Monday, October 3, 2016

Fass Selections Announces Innovative Project to Revolutionize Wine Sales Individually Tailored Celebrity Wine Choices to Facilitate Endorsements

Wine sales are hard.  You have to communicate the story of the winery.  You have to explain how thewine tastes.  Then you have to explain the value.

What if all of that were simplified?

What if you could just find out which celebrity liked that wine? Your knowledge of what the celebrity is like would tell you if you liked the individual wine.  And we all know what celebrities are like from their minute by minute coverage in the media.  Their perspicacity on every topic from fashion to food to politics is the stuff of legend.

There have been some rousing successes, like Brangelina’s noteworthy Rose, or Orson Welles legendary commercial for Paul Masson, but for the most part the ability of celebrities to drive wine sales has been underutilized.  The problem has traditionally been that matching celebrities with wines could be a long and laborious process.  Wineries would have to reach out to the celebrities.  Get them to taste the wines.  Make sure that the wines matched their image.  It was almost impossible to make it work.

Until now.

Fass Selections is proud to announce the first service to match celebrity endorsers with wines.  We’ve signed up every celebrity with a Q rating in the top 100 (even Edward Snowden) and gotten their permission to match them up with the optimal wine.  Wineries are signing up by the dozen.  We’ve even heard that distributors are planning to cut sales positions. After all, you hardly need salespeople to communicate the quality of a wine if it’s endorsed by Brad or Angelina.

Given that their endorsements of deceased celebrities are significant, we may do a few of these as well.

Welcome to the new age of wine retail.

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